Tuesday 1 March 2016

Manage Your School Administration Work with Free School Management software

School Management software is basically used to manage the school administration work like fee management system, inventory control system, financial management system, transportation management system etc. It provides various facilities like complete reporting of pending fees information, Refund fees information and strong fees data manipulations information, admission and pre admission records information and many more etc. It provides strong fee management system in which it shows the complete ledger information of student’s dues.

Funds is a very tedious task but Bell - school management software makes it very easy and simple. School management system provides outstanding module to manage library management system. Where you can keep almost every record as a computerized format. Schools administration staff can also use free school management software as a customized module system which accomplished all the important requirements of school administration. Student attendance can be marked manually and import directly with biometric facilities of Free School Management Software. School Management software also provide the inventory (tuck-shop). Inventory (tuck-shop) is used to manage stocks like stationary, co The combined length of all the labels must be at most 200 characters. Dismiss mputer hardware and many more etc. Anyone can use Free Management Software as a trial basis of 30 days.

School Management Software

Free School Management software provides various latest technologies and advantages for school administration.

Time Management system: - Free School Management system saves a lot of time of school administration. It performs a multi hours of paper work within a few seconds.

Front desk reception: - It can easily manage reception part of queries of school administration. It performs a reception work very accurately and effectively.it keeps the full record of queries.

Database security system: - Free school management software provides a password security system which is very important database feature of safe secured reliable security of any software.

Custom import system: - To import the whole data manually and systematically is very tedious task for schools. But Bell School management software makes it very easy and simple.

Accounts Management system: - Free School Management software accounts management system performs all accounts related transactions of fee, academic records of students, and admission records of students with ERP planning module according simultaneously.

Bell Free School Management Software make over is design by solving all the tasks of school administration. Everyone who wants to know the whole clear picture knowledge of the Free School Management Software can try as a trial basis for 30 days. For more information about Bell you can make a call at +91 81466-52452 or visit bell.macwill.in


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